IAF Training

IAF Training 

This introductory training provides content based on the philosophy and practices developed by

the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF), which builds on lessons from over 70 years of organizing

experience. It assists organizers where they live - their communities. The training provides a

foundation for organizers to learn about what community organizing is and why to use a

community organizing approach in their work. It includes:

● What is community organizing and why use a community organizing approach

● The organizing cycle

● Relational meetings

● Listening sessions

● Problems vs. Issues

● Power over vs. Power with

● Negotiations and actions to obtain concrete and winnable outcomes


Upcoming Training Dates: 





Calgary Alliance Foundations Training

- Provides an introduction to the core perspective and practices of community organizing on how the alliances are built.

- For leaders, members, staff and any anyone who is interested in being involved in the Alliance work.

- Topics include community organizing, relational leadership, strengthening our organizations, using relational power.

-Free for members

Contact: [email protected]

April 12, 14, 19, 21, & 26



Greater Edmonton Alliance Foundations Training


- Provides an introduction to the core perspective and practices of community organizing on how the alliances are built.

- For leaders, members, staff and any anyone who is interested in being involved in the Alliance work.

- Topics include community organizing, relational leadership, strengthening our organizations, using relational power.

-Free for members

Contact: [email protected]

May 19 & 26

RSVP Coming Soon 

Common Good Missoula Foundation Training

- Provides an introduction to the core perspective and practices of community organizing on how the alliances are built.

- For leaders, members, staff and any anyone who is interested in being involved in the Alliance work.

- Topics include community organizing, relational leadership, strengthening our organizations, using relational power.

-Free for members

Contact: [email protected] 

June 8, 10, 15, 17 & 22

RSVP coming soon

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