IAF Training

As an affiliate, you are able to join trainings offered by the IAFNW. Below are trainings available in the coming weeks. This list updated with new trainings, please check back for more trainings in the future. 


Upcoming Training Dates: 





Foundation for Community Organizing Training

This two-day training provides an introduction to the foundational leadership practices and principles of community organizing that have made it an effective means of bringing about social change. This training is based on the 70+ years of experience of the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) in uniting communities to take action that makes a difference on issues that matter.

This training focuses on topics such as:


  • The practices of relationships-based leadership
  • Power - how to understand and exercise "power with" instead of "power over"
  • How to listen to a community for action
  • Breaking down complex social problems into actionable issues
  • Power Analysis, Action and Negotiations for Social Change


This training is taught by the Edmonton Alliance’s Organizer along with community leaders who bring their experience in winning on issues that affect citizens in the Greater Edmonton Region. The training is open to everyone, there is a suggested donation of $25 for lunch and snacks. 

 Friday, May 24, 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
                  Saturday, May 25  9:00am - 3:30 pm


GEA Living Wage Conversations - Building Stronger Communities

Join us as we explore - Why a Living Wage? 

  • Compare Minimum Wage to the Living Wage

  • Define Living Wage - how does a living wage benefit families, communities and employers now and into the future?

  • What are the effects on the physical and mental health of families and the communities when a living wage is not met? 

  • Systemic racism/gender inequality -  Why are low wages impacting women, immigrants and Indigenous people in our communities disproportionately to other groups.

  • Have testimonials from individuals who found themselves in that cycle of poverty. Are they still in that position? If not, how did they break the cycle of low wage poverty?

Wednesday, June 12 
                      6:30 pm - 8:30 pm